

Tuesday 25 October 2011


Hyper nova also known as a type 1c Supernova, refers to an incredibly larger star that collapse at the end of a life span. Until the 1990's it referred specifically to an explosion with an energy of over 100 supernova(over 1048 joules);such explosions are believed to be the origin of Gamma Ray Burst.

After the term came to be used to describe the supernova of the most of massive stars, the hyper gaint,which
have masses equal to 100 or 300 Sun.
Decaying Ni, a short-lived isotope of nickle, is believed to provide much hyper-nova light
The radiation output of a nearby hypernova could cause serious harm to Earth; however, no hypergiant is located close enough to Earth to pose a threat. A group led by Brian Thomas, an astrophysicist at Washburn University in Kansas, has conjectured that a hypernova may have caused the Ordovician–Silurian mass extinction on Earth 440 million years ago, but there is no unambiguous evidence of it.
The word collapsar, short for collapsed star, was formerly used to refer to the end product of stellar gravitational collapse, a stellar-mass black hole. The word is sometimes used now to refer to a specific model for the collapse of a fast-rotating star, as discussed below.

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